Monday, May 19, 2014

Advantages of Digital Media

Digitally Manipulated Typography

This is the Digitally Manipulated image i'm descrimbing on thi page. This is a
good image to analyse because it has been heavily edited and it's easy to
notice the processes.
Just by looking at this picture for 2 seconds you are able to tell straight away that it has been made through the use of digital media. The layers that compose this image give it a cybernetic, digital aspect that was very successfully blended with the creativity behind this image. Another thing that gives away the process used to create this piece is the fact that creating such complex image by using traditional media without the help of digital manipulation would have been a very long and complicated procedure and errors could occur much more often than when using digital media. One of the main advantages of using digital media over traditional techniques and materials is that if errors are made you can retrace your steps to fix the mistakes, and therefore this enriches the possibilities of experimentation, which is in my opinion the greatest thing about digital manipulation in typography.

The compositional elements that are in this image are: the silhouette of someone sitting down as the subject of the image, the silhouette is created from text/typography, the background of a dull and plain colour and on the bottom left side of the piece a block of color that resembles concrete or the pavement that the person is sitting on.

The most complex element in this image is the shape of the boy made out of words. There are more than one techniques through which this can be achieved, but the most obvious one would be to trace the outline of the model, activate the traced area and use pre-made brushes out of words to create this unique and digital effect. After that you could use a brush tool for the details, such as the patterns on his jeans or for fading out effects for tone on the line. On the other hand, if you were to make this through the use traditional media, the process would have taken a lot more time and the number of resources needed to make this would have been in a greater number. Also, because of the difficulty of creating such an image by hand, mistakes would happen much more often than when using digital media, and like I mentioned before these mistakes are remedied a lot easier on a digital program than on your physical canvas.

 Digital media has definitely revolutionised not only contemporary typography but also influenced most other areas in art such as photography and graphic arts.  There are many advantages of using digital media instead of traditional techniques and material and the possibilities are limitless and creativity combined with some knowledge will help you discover them.

This is an example of Traditional Media and I used this image to compare it to
to the digital pieceabove.

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